Page 13 - Billy the Cat and Katie
P. 13

so we’ll have to stay off the streets.’  William put his helmet on and opened the bedroom
               window.  ‘Let’s go Katie!’

               As they made their way across the rooftops Billy and Katie could see that Burnham was as still
               as could be and there was no one about.  Billy could make out a solitary figure in the distance
               and used the magnifying lenses in his helmet to pick out a policeman walking through Burnham
               at the other end of the high street.  ‘He might come in handy later on’ Billy thought to himself
               as they jumped from rooftop to rooftop and eventually came to rest on top of the shop next to
               the bank.  Lifting the skylight window Billy and Katie slipped inside and lowered themselves
               down to the floor with their climbing ropes.  These were fitted with a weighted claw that could
               be thrown to climb up onto things and they proved very handy.  Listening with the helmet
               microphones they could hear the robbers in the basement below and they crept silently
               towards the door to the stairs leading downwards.  ‘We should wait until they come up with
               the loot and then grab them, so the police have all the evidence they need’ Billy whispered.
               Katie nodded in agreement but as she did so the claw from her rope fell from her belt onto the
               floorboards with a thud.  The noise startled the crooks, one of whom came quickly up the stairs
               to see what the noise was and as he appeared through the door Billy suddenly threw a punch
               right at him, sending the man flying across the shop floor where he landed unconscious in a
               heap of old shoe boxes.  Not waiting to be caught out a second time Billy and Katie jumped the
               entire length of the stairs down into the basement to the astonishment of the men who were
               just filling up large bags with money and jewellery.  Billy jumped at the men who scattered from
               their huddle and grabbed anything they could to fend off these two figures dressed in black
               who’d surprised them in the middle of robbing the bank vault. Katie leapt up and grabbing hold
               of a pipe that ran across the ceiling swung her legs and kicked one of the men to the ground.
                Two down, two to go.  Billy was wrestling one of the other two men when he heard a shout
               from Katie.  Whilst still hanging from the pipe she’d been hit across the legs with a chair causing
               her to fall and the man had escaped up the stairs with a bag of money.  Seeing his cousin in
               distress Billy let go of the man he was fighting and went to Katie’s aid.  The second man seized
               this opportunity and grabbed another bag, fleeing as fast as his legs would carry him, pausing
               only to lock the door at the top of the stairs.  Billy helped Katie to her feet, all the time keeping
               an eye on the man that Katie had knocked out with her swinging kick.  ‘That was very brave of
               you, well done Katie.’  Billy turned around and tied up the man who was lying on the floor
               whilst Katie looked around at the huge amount of money and jewellery that had been left
               behind.  ‘At least they didn’t get away with much.’  Billy turned to her and smiled, whilst
               pressing a button on the side of his helmet.  A flash of light went off and Billy explained that his
               father had built a camera into his helmet.  ‘We can use this picture as evidence that Billy the Cat
               and Katie stopped the robbers and this time there’s two of us.’

               The basement door smashed from its hinges and crashed to the floor of the shoe shop as Billy
               and Katie kicked it down.  The robber who had previously been knocked out by Billy had almost
               regained consciousness when he realised he was being tied up by his masked attackers.  Billy
               took another photo and the pair climbed up the ropes out of the skylight and back onto the
               rooftop.  Katie was already looking through her night vision visor to see where the crooks had
               run to and in the darkness she could see something rather strange.  There appeared to be
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